Elsa Couvreur a “narrative choreographer”
To help you wait for the next performances of Even Raël Would Agree on april 21 and 28 during the Printemps Carougeois, here is an article by Frederic Montanya published in Vivre Carouge :
“Elsa Couvreur, a narrative choreographer”Elsa Couvreur likes choreographies that tell stories and with Even Raël Would Agree, she chose to “explore the system of sects, where the fear of others is one of the basic mechanisms. It is mainly self-surveillance that leads everybody to follow and imitate each other so as not to stand out that I wanted to work on, insists the young choreographer.”
[Original text in French: Adepte des chorégraphies qui racontent une histoire, Elsa Couvreur a choisi avec Even Raël Would Agree "d'explorer le système des sectes dont la peur de l'autre est un des principes de base. C'est surtout l'autosurveillance qui mène tout le monde à se suivre et à s'imiter pour ne pas se démarquer, insiste la jeune chorégraphe carougeoise, que j'ai voulu travailler." ]
You can read the full article here !
Come and see ! The representations will take place:
- April 21 at 21:40 at the Halles de la Fonderie
- April 28 at 20:00 on the Place du Marché
You can find the full line up for the Printemps Carougeois 2016, “La frousse aux trousses”, right here.